(07) 3256 9000 | enquiries@bywaterdesign.com.au

hollow wooden surfboard

The Global Surfer and Making a Hollow Wooden Surfboard

We were thrilled to be able to give a global traveller and avid Surfer 'E' the opportunity to make his own hollow wooden surfboard. During the week, E who in his words, has no woodworking experience apart from sharpening a pencil, learnt basic woodworking skills such as sharpening  a hand plane, shaping, sanding of his board and fin placement.  We then went on to fully glass the board.



An enthusiastic new woodworker making his hollow wooden board

















The wonderful finished product.  E and his hollow wooden surfboard.

















But don't just take our word for it ... Have a look at our very first YouTube


Working with Wood Show - Brisbane 2015 -

It was all very hands on at the recent Working with Wood Show at the RNA last weekend...  



Bywater Design Wooden Surfboards








We had an overwhelming response and interest in not only our Wooden Surfboard and traditional woodworking classes, but also our custom making and furniture restoration services. Thank you to Carbatec for making this possible. Much appreciation to Michael Hoffman and David Wardrop for their invaluable help and enthusiasm over the weekend.


Bywater Design Traditional Woodworking classes






Bywater Design Hollow Wooden Surfboard Classes

Summer Board Making Class - December 2014 ...

Summer is almost here !! Hooray !

And we have time for one more board making class before Christmas.

Classes will commence Tuesday October 28 and run until December 16.

We have a few places left so be quick and contact us now surf@bywaterdesign.com.au Hang Ten !


Bywater Design Summer surfboard class

Classic lines and shapes, the Okanuie perfect for any wave.  Make your very own at Bywater Design Boardmaking Workshop


Create the perfect summer with your own Wooden classic surfboard.

January 2015 Hollow Wooden Surfboard Classes and Paulownia Timber Sales

Very proud students with their finished wooden boards. Winter 2014
Very proud students with their finished wooden boards. Winter 2014

In only  a few short months, Bywater Design will be offering their summer class of Hollow Wooden Surfboard Making.

In 8 easy classes, you will be able to design and make your own hollow surfboard, with the timber of your choosing in only 8 nights.

All ready for glassing or polishing.

Classes will commence in February  2015.

So for more information please contact us at; surf@bywaterdesign.com.au  and we will send you an information pack on all the details.

Paulownia 6  200


As part of our ongoing commitment to our clients and students, Bywater Design now proudly offers the sale of Paulownia Timber.

Dressed and packed all ready for your hollow wooden board kit.

We offer the following timber lengths and specifications;

Lengths of 2.4 or 3 meters

200*8 rough sawn  = $7.20 Lm

200*6 dressed 2 faces = $8.20 Lm

195*6 DAR = $9.20 Lm    as per photo


Panels made to order

585*5, 4 or 3mm  = $40 Lm

150*38 Rough sawn  = $16.90 Lm


Other sizes can be ordered  POA.


For timber orders or for further information please contact us ; timber@bywaterdesign.com.au

Pacific Longboarder Magazine...

Thank you to Pacific Longboarder Magazine  for the wonderful article on our Wooden Surfboard Classes;  

pacific longboard pic july7

For more information please phone us on PH;  3259000

or email us; surf@bywaterdesign.com.au.


Surfs UP




Shaping a Wooden Surfboard...

One of the joys of making your own Surfboard , is taking the time to create something exactly the way you want it to be. Being involved in all of the processes.

J enjoying shaping her 9FT skeleton

  Come and experience the fun of making your own Classic Wooden Surfboard. Classes Tuesday Night & Our Intensive 3 Day Workshop August ; 13, 14 & 15 !