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furniture restoration

Restoration this Summer

The last few months has seen us busy in the workshop restoring some beautiful pieces for our clients …

All of these items have a beautiful ‘back story’ a history of bygone days.

We have great joy and satisfaction in restoring these treasured pieces , so they can once again be back or if not better than their glorious original self .

Gorgeous 1920’s credenza

This 1920’s credenze , made from Cedar and has such beautiful features. Its looking ok but it could be better …

Beautiful restoration

We repaired where necessary and repolished to bring out that beautiful grain …

Our client was absoluetely thrilled with the end results.

Classic pine writing desk

Elegant pine writing desk, with so many beautiful features, but was needing some repairs and some love .

Once again we made drawer and door repairs including the top …

The power of restoration . Using what we have , taking some time to care and repair and the end results provide many more happy memories


Restoring Heirlooms

The past month we have been restoring some beautiful pieces of furniture for our clients …

Perhaps one of our favourite pieces has included this beautiful inlay treasure box.

Beauty in the detail

Beauty in the detail

Dated from the 1900’s this gorgeous box comes with history and character.

Our Client was wanting to pass it to her grandson and wanted it restored back to its former glory.

So we happily obliged

before restoration

before restoration

beautiful finished results

beautiful finished results

After carefully repairing the veneers and the mother of pearl, Stuart applied a new lining (whilst keeping the original underneath for posterity) and polished to a bring out the gorgeous detail in the inlay

The details in this box are just exquisite

The details in this box are just exquisite

Projects like these give us so much joy, where we are able to help a family carry on their traditions and heirlooms


Furniture Restoration

It has been an absolute joy to complete some beautiful restoration projects over the last few months.

We love providing a source of joy to our clients when they receive their recently restored piece of yesteryear.

Needing some love

Needing some love

Beautiful end result

Beautiful end result

timber table before restoration
Beautiful silky oak table restored

Beautiful silky oak table restored

This gorgeous 1920’s Silky Oak Dining Suite with its classic shapes had “good bones” and needed some love to bring out its orginal glory.

We repaired, sanded and Stuart colour matched the finish of these to match the clients existing decor, so these pieces would blend seamlessly to their surrounds and not look new.

Our client then chose some bright floral fabric for the chairs to give a beautiful contrast to the silky oak timber.

A glorious end result to this wonderful era of furniture.

silky oak blanket box before restoration .jpg
silky oak blanket box pre restoration .jpg
restored silky oak blanket box.jpg
Beautiful blanket box

Beautiful blanket box

Blanket boxes are a wonderful practial addition to any home. Our Silky Oak friend here was in need of some TLC and we happily obliged.

Our restoration process included some major repair work to both the internal and external surfaces of this gorgeous 1920’s piece.

Our client once again chose exquisite fabric to complement the warmth of the Silky Oak Grain.

A beautiful old yet new addition to this family home

Some mid week restoration

Going about our day to day work in accordance with strict social distancing of course, is what we are doing at the moment.

Completing wonderful work for our clients gives us such a sense of purpose and pride even more so lately.

We have just completed restoration on this Classic 1920’s Silky Oak Dining Table

ready for the makeover

ready for the makeover

We repaired, sanded repolished to match our existing decor in our lovely clients home

Beautiful results in our restoration of silky oak dining table

Beautiful results in our restoration of silky oak dining table


Colourful furniture makeovers

Never underestimating the power of bright beautiful colours, we completed these fabulous makeovers to some classic rattan furniture , with fabulous results

cane chair side view.jpg
Classic  shaped rattan chairs in dire need of some repairs and colour

Classic shaped rattan chairs in dire need of some repairs and colour

These chairs are just perfect for outdoor or front deck living. They have such great shape and character.

We were keen to repair what was needed especially around the arms and prepare for the colour.

cane chair blue after restoration.jpg
Big on the wow factor

Big on the wow factor

round rattan chair before makeover.jpg

Our clients chose a dramatic blue to really accentuate the wonderful features of this lounge. We used 2pack high gloss for longevity

cane chair before polishing bywater design.jpg

We undertook the same process for the accompanying table

ratttan makeover
rattan makeover.jpg

Restoration just makes good sense especially with impressive results such as these. What could have been destined for the rubbish bin is now beautifully repaired and restored and ready to begin a wonderful new life

The timely process of restoration

Restoration or refurbishment is the process of repairing, fixing , modifying, repainting and repolishing an item of furniture.

It can often be a lengthy process, as repairs especially to antique pieces that are hundreds of years old require skill, patience and craftsmanship to ensure every detail is completed successfully whilst often keeping the delicate infrastructure intact, especially the case with veneers, paper thin and fragile, the successful repair of these can really make or break a treasured heirloom.

The argument for restoration is a strong one, sustainably wise and of great sentimental value, the journey of restoration is often an emotional one.

The adventure of restoration provides us with such a sense of satisfaction . Being involved in our clients’ family history and being able to restore a much loved item of furniture for them is one of the best things about our work. Being privvy to such an evocative journey reinforces our love of why we do the things we do.

There is so much history in each and every piece, a tapesty of lives interwoven and we are honoured to be able to enrich each and every piece of furniture, albeit it a tiny child’s chair, or grandmother’s dressing table, a great great grandfathers chair or a favourite aunty’s dining table .

Restoration is a gift for now and the future

A forgotten dressing table , some would say has seen better days …

A forgotten dressing table , some would say has seen better days …

An old dressing table is now a gorgeous new bathroom vanity

An old dressing table is now a gorgeous new bathroom vanity

Restoration of an old Locker

Restoration of an old Locker

There is so much satisfaction gleamed from restoring a wonderful piece of furniture to its former glory.