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wooden surfboards brisbane


What a wonderful 4 days …

Our budding woodworkers had an amazing time learning and developing new skills, making new friends and creating their very own wooden surfboard.

Prior to class our students chose the specifications of their board ie height and design - single fin, thruster pattern for the deck etc etc

There are many and varied considertations when it comes to making your own Surfboard.

A lot of these decisions are based on surfing experience, surf fitness and location of the surf hence each board is unique to the rider , thats what we love so much.

There is no cookie cutter board - the surfboard is made specifically for the rider (lucky them !!)

The end result on Sunday afternoon was a stunning array of hand crafted boards, made lovingly with the surfer’s own two hands

a testament to their love of the surf…

Making your own Wooden Surfboard

Along with various timber combinations and deck patterns we offer in our Wooden Timber Surfboard Classes, we offer the application of personalised decals or motifs to really make your timber surfboard an object of sentimental beauty.

For a myriad of reasons our students wish to add something extra to their board

A wonderul reminder of a treasured fur baby

A personal touch to a student surfboard

A personal touch to a student surfboard

Want your nickname immoratised on your favourite board ?

Why not

Love your style Baylz

Love your style Baylz

Love the colour green and are obsessed with manta ray

We can accommodate you

Stand out from the crowd !

Stand out from the crowd !

Want to ramp up the zen on your timber board

We will only encourage you

Feel the zen

Feel the zen

Love a good Hawaiian 50’s vibe (we are a fan !! )

By adding some funky fabric you can create a mood that is just you

aloha board.jpg

You are only limited by your imagination , we will help you anyway we can to achieve your dream board.

So start designing your board now.

Our Wooden Surfboard and SUP Classes a bucket list must do

Get in contact with us to make this a reality !