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bywater design

What we loved in November

As we are well and truly into the last month of the DECADE !! It is always worthwhile to relfect back on the past month and gather the gratitude for the last 30 days

The first flush of summer , is there anything sweeter than the scent of Frangipanis

The first flush of summer , is there anything sweeter than the scent of Frangipanis

The purple parade, making the day that much prettier

The purple parade, making the day that much prettier

When your coffee is hot and strong. The day is off to a good start

When your coffee is hot and strong. The day is off to a good start

When it rains, it pours .

When it rains, it pours .

The sound of rain was long overdue and the ping pong of hail on the roof signalled once again that summer storms are back, and lets hope with a lot more rain to come.

“Every summer has its story “ and we cant wait to see what unfolds this season

African Teak Outdoor Furniture

Matching existing pieces we made 6 years ago, these African Teak outdoor chairs are made to last.

Just add cushions and a cocktail and the hours will just float by…

African Teak ready to weather naturally

African Teak ready to weather naturally

Classic designs never go out of style
Ready for lounging

Red Bull Wooden Centrepiece

Bywater Design was delighted to produce for Media Playground The Wooden Centrepiece for Red Bull .  These wooden centrepieces provide a wonderful backdrop for the Australian Music Festivals that Red Bull produce. After deliberation and precision fine tuning we feel these Red Bulls will certainly give you wings ...








Thank you Lachlan Brown for Images .