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Flights of Fancy...

As designers we love inspiration.  We love imagination.  We love things that are far flung from the realms of everyday life. Here are a few that have captured us lately...

The Astro Turf Chair The Asto Turf Chair - yes this chair has been covered with extreme precision with astro turf.  A definite statement.



Furniture made from a bale of hayMaybe not as comfortable as a regular chair but this lounge actually made from a bale of hay is certainly displaying individuality.


Perspex chair

Perspex chairs, a talking point definitely but their durability maybe in question...



Wow Not sure if this is real or an incredible illusion but what a striking visual impact this table makes.  the colour has a lot to do with the punch it makes.


We have had lots of fun acquiring these images.  If you have any pictures you would like to share with us we would love to hear from you ; email;  enquiries@bywaterdesign.com.au


Images; 1, 2 and 3 sourced from;  DesignMilk

Image 4;  Visual ID