(07) 3256 9000 | enquiries@bywaterdesign.com.au

>A place to lay your cup

>Coffee Tables, a necessity in the modern world.  A place to lay  papers, keys, laptops, Ipads, bags,
magazines, papers, pizza boxes and strangely enough sometimes tea and coffee cups.
The Coffee table easily dates back to the 17th Century.
The first European Coffee tables were made in Britian during the Victorian Era.  Prior to that, drinks tables, tea tables were used to accomodate the high back settee that was used for lounging.
By 1780, the high back was replaced by low back sofas - hence the need for a lower placed table to
house the necessary beverages...

At Bywater Design , we love making Coffee Tables - designed to fit into the hub of the loungeroom, these
small but important items of furniture centre the room, highlighting larger pieces of furniture and enhance the
decor of the room.