(07) 3256 9000 | enquiries@bywaterdesign.com.au


Beautiful Makeovers this month

As we begin to embrace a new month ( and a new season!!) we take a look at some of the wonderful restoration projects we have had the joy of undertaking this month …

With its delicate tapestry, this quaint occasional table was carefully repaired and then repolished to bring this cute piece back to its beautiful original glory.

This beautiful rather grand Oak sideboard, was rescued from the 2021 Brisbane floods, as you can see from the watermarks .

We carefully repaired all internal and external damage and gave it a beautiful fresh polish to make this spectacular piece “Pop” !!

This beautiful 1920’s miners couch, hold high sentimental value for our lovely client, and we were only too happy to restore and really enhance the rich grain of the timbers, as you can see the results are just beautiful and all ready for the upholster to work his magic …

The things we leave behind ...

Our love of furniture restoration runs deep, the process of restoring, repairing and bringing back to life a treasured family heirloom is one of we find immensely rewarding.

The work is often labor intensive and intricate but we gladly face up to the challenge in the name of preserving beautiful furniture .

We were lucky enough to be involved in the restoration of this beautiful 1880’s inlaid box. Handed down through the generations it was time to restore what was needed , preserve and make original once again…

Complete with the original 1880 day stationary this box had beauty in the detail.

Cornered veneers in need of some TLC

Cornered veneers in need of some TLC

Such a beautiful family heirloom

Such a beautiful family heirloom

Complete with the 1880’s stationary

Complete with the 1880’s stationary

We carefully repaired the external veneers before reg re glueing any areas that were in need.

For the internal area, we restored and kept the original purple lining.

Beautiful details before restoration

Beautiful details before restoration

Beautiful repairs on this family treasure

Beautiful repairs on this family treasure

All in the detail

All in the detail

more glorious detail

more glorious detail

A beautiful finished product …

A beautiful finished product …

Stuart finished the restoration with beautiful polishing … the icing on the cake.

A glorious end result for our lovely client, so that this treasure can be enjoyed and passed down through the generations just like it was meant to be