(07) 3256 9000 | enquiries@bywaterdesign.com.au

custom made desks

The Making of a special Hoop Pine Desk

Growing up, our client has countless memories of tree climbing adventures with the old hoop pine tree in the backyard,  sadly due to not one but two instances of lightening strikes the tree had to be cut down and consequently milled.

As a result we were able to create two beautiful hoop pine desks for the family home ( as well as provide timber to a wonderful recycled dining table project last month

Apart from their beautiful ambience these desks provide essential office space and storage for the home.

We have used steel legs as per our client request and finished off with a beautiful polish to bring out the wonderful patina of the grain.

A wonderful legacy to childhood memories continue

We were so pleased to be a part of this fantastic timber recycled iniative .