(07) 3256 9000 | enquiries@bywaterdesign.com.au

There is an entertainment unit for everyone ...

The not so humble entertainment unit really has a tough gig . It has to house important components, maybe not so much the “old school” dvd and blu ray equipment ( with thanks to the endless streaming platforms now available) but our cherished hi fi components along with the sacred and highly sentimental and often questionable vinyl collection , it may also house various cables and also give a stylish home to objects d’art as well as those wonderful family portraits that showcase the fabulous family milestones.

So no biggy right , when it comes to the often central point in the lounge room/media room/sitting room /tv room or the common room.

The entertainment unit is more than likely an extension of our decor preferences so that it can blend in effortlessly with its surrounds, and so the choice of design let alone timber or material choice is limitless as that proverbial piece of string .

Sleek and elegant, this classic style entertainment unit is a stylish home for a well curated vinyl collection.

So where does one start

Wel,l narrowing down the essential elements of the unit is a good start -

taking into consideration but not limiting yourself to these factors

  • tv and associated components , what do you have or what will you be adding in the future

  • are you a stereophile - will there be need for a turntable, speaker , amplifier etc etc

  • vinyl - are you an avid collector )( with a growing need for more ) or does the collection stop

    at one or two essential classics ?

  • for the love of art - is adding your favourite collectibles an essential part of the unit or strictly business

Once you have narrowed down your non negotiables , its time to look at practicalities

  • the space allowed for the new unit- how much room do you really have ?

  • will it be flush against the wall - if so which wall ?

  • window treatment - will the unit be receiving lots of natural light -

  • lighting - good lighting from above , or a fabulous table /floor lamp can really elevate the ambience of a piece

  • foot traffic - is it going to encroach on walkways or be in the road of something else

Simplicity is key, our black classic entertainment unit is a wonderful companion to the adjoining bookcase

Once the essentials are compiled then the fun really begins…

But it all boils down to “what do you really like?”

Classic, retro, edgy, ornate, mid century -, painted , not painted the options are endless, and although the options are endless it can be an exhausting exercise drilling down the final choices for a design

But making a list of suitable designs, leaving it for a few days then trimming one off , followed by a rest and then repeating the process can make the final choise a well thought out considered exercise

With a nod to art deco - this beautiful entertainment unit, features stunning silk to enhance the bold front design

Once the final choice/s ( we suggest up to three) is made then its time to talk

Stuart it is a wizard at taking a concept and turning it into a drawing that can really make sense to the untrained eye of how something will look in real life.

Budget considerations are of course paramount to any project and is the first priority in undertakingany project.

Alternatives can be given or modifications suggested so that the dream piece youve been wanting can become a little more attainable .

Simplicity at its best - our cantilver entertainment unit ,ticks all the style and practicality boxes

The epitome of minimalism, our grey tpac entertainment is perfect for apartment living.

Whatever your vibe, whatever your style , there is no right or wrong (trends will always come and go ) - it boils down to what you really love , and we have no greater wish than creating forever pieces that our clients fall in love with .

Family heirlooms that are not just a joy to look at , but at a beautiful functional part of everyday life
