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Things we love in Autumn

Every sunrise and every sunset is a magical time of day.

The miracle that happens everyday without fail, if we are awake or not, it still still just happens.

There is something magnificent however about an Autumnal sunset or sunrise. When the cloud cover combines with the sun at just the right angle… pure delight , such theatre, such drama

Night drama

Night drama

The sky is on fire

The sky is on fire

A golden start to the day

A golden start to the day

Autumn also brings with it, a cast of flowers, smells and sights to delight in

The wonders of camellia bushes in full bloom with their fabulous array of petals that make for a spectacular display both on the branch followed by their graceful fall to the ground.

In awe of Colourful Mother Nature

In awe of Colourful Mother Nature

The air is cool the sun is clear and bright, perfect weather for walking in the fresh air and taking in the beauty around …

The first flush of Golden Fistulas

The first flush of Golden Fistulas