(07) 3256 9000 | enquiries@bywaterdesign.com.au

Together we can be great ...

Hello friends

The world is pretty weird at the moment, 2020 still continues to challenge us.

Like you are feeling uncertain and anxious about what is unfolding in our city in our beautiful country and beyond.

Health being our number one priority for ourselves, our family and our team, so we are strongly adhering to the hygiene and social distancing recommendations by Queensland Health and we’re ready to continue escalating those when its recommended.

As you know we are a small (but mighty) team and we are endeavouring to keep it that way.

At the moment we are continuing as per normal, our furniture restoration and custom making is continuing in earnest to maintain our high standard of craftmanship.

We are continuing on with our woodworking, furniture making and surfboard making (classes are kept small 7 maximum) and we will continue to do so with our usual passion and just a little more enthusiasm in these fluid times.

Our woodcraft gallery is open, and we are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment within for all that visit us.


As far as our content goes, we are going to stick with regular programming for now.

We want you to feel inspired and at ease, so we’ll continue to share our world with you as we would normally.

Whilst we're being told to distance ourselves socially, now more than ever, we need to find ways to keep connected.

Feel free to say hi, ask us questions we are here 😊

Stay safe, listen to expert advice and be kind to each other .


Daniele and Stuart

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