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Waves for Wildlife February 29

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We are celebrating all the wonderful things about our great nation ; stunning coastlines, camaraderie, beautiful sunrises, majestic and utterly captivating wildlife to name but a few of our favourite things on February 29 at Moffat Beach Sunshine Coast for our Bywater Design Surfboard Day.

We are getting together for a cause . We are raising much needed funds for Wildlife Rescue South Coast These awsome guys respond to wildlife rescue calls, and as you know they have been inundated for help for our furry friends of late…

We will meet at 6 am at Moffat Beach and head out for a surf, and have a well earned breakfast together afterwards. We’re putting on the free BBQ brunch, but we do ask that you make a contribution to

our fundraiser for Wildlife Rescue South Coast prior to the event.

There will be prizes on the day and the opportunity to ride one of our Demonstration Surfboards.

So bring your board , your sunscreen and a friend and we will see you at Moffat Beach on February 29


Daniele and Stuart